The Stewardship Team conducts our Church's annual campaign to acquire funding for the continuation and expansion of programs meeting the needs of our congregation and of our wider community.
The essence of Stewardship’s work is helping our members grow in their understanding of the role the “three T’s” of stewardship, Time, Talent, and Treasure, play in nurturing personal spiritual growth and financial commitment. Through celebrating an attitude of gratitude, and by sharing stories of our own faith journeys, we encourage our congregation to stretch their spiritual and financial legs, and make their giving to God the first fruits of their financial planning. Stewardship’s work is mostly seasonal in nature—December through February—plus we make efforts throughout the year to keep the congregation focused on support for our Church.
Hathaway Cornelius (neunelf@fastmail.net, 541.921.4792) is the current chair of the team. Please feel free to contact him with questions about the work of Stewardship; we’re always looking for enthusiastic folks interested in serving the Church in our efforts.
The EWI team guides and assists congregation members and groups with activities such as attracting new friends and members to The Good Shepherd; coordinating the welcome process for visitors; coordinating the new member process to give an introduction to our progressive theology and opportunities for integration into
congregational activities; and integrating new and current members and friends by matching
gifts and talents with activities, programs and missions of the church.
Activities include supplying the welcome kiosk in the narthex; organizing Circle of Friends potluck dinners; including members and friends of the church in Amigos Groups, providing name tags, providing new members’ pictures and bios on the bulletin board, and overseeing the congregational directory. Judy Bischoff jbischof@niu.edu
The Nominating Committee, working with the pastors and Church leadership, develops a slate of Church officers and committee members for election consideration at the Spring Annual Meeting. The Committee also assists the Administrative Team in filling positions and vacancies on teams as they occur during the year.
The ‘working season' is generally about two months leading up to the Annual Meeting, and team members take responsibility for working with various committees. The Nominating Committee is always looking for a few good folks to engage in these activities. Knowledge of our congregation members and friends is beneficial. But more importantly, a willingness to actively engage in a positive dialog with folks you might not know well is crucial. Even if this is not naturally "you," this position may allow you to expand your personal comfort zone.
The Committee’s work is essential to the well-being and functioning of our Church; without dedicated and engaged folks it would be impossible for our Church to continue its well-known support for our congregants and wider community. Hathaway Cornelius (neunelf@fastmail.net, 541.921.4792)
The Worship and Music Committee has the task of working with the administrative team, pastor and other professional staff to support an integrated worship/music program that fosters meaningful worship experiences throughout the life of the congregation and to infuse music and other arts into congregational life beyond Sunday morning worship.
Committee members, from both the traditional and contemporary services, work to ensure that strong, professional musical leadership is appointed and supported.
They also work with the personnel committee and the administration team to find and hire musicians so that we have continuity within our music programs.
The committee stands ready to assist service ushers and the Altar Team. The committee seeks ideas for different worship styles using media and technology for unique presentations. We extend an invitation to all to be a part of this pleasurable, innovative work.
John Merrill senecamerrill@gmail.com Clarice Renoux crenoux61@gmail.com Bill Krinke billkrinke1@mac.com
The Mission, Service and Justice Team (MSJ) is responsible for The United Church of Christ Special offerings throughout the year. The offerings are: One Great Hour of Sharing; Strengthen the Church; Neighbors in Need and The Annual Christmas Fund. As always, TGS family responds to each offering with its exceptional generosity.
The MSJ Team is hosts the Annual Alternative Gift Fair each December. It chooses several non-profits to which shoppers at the fair can support financially. In 2022 The Good Shepherd collected over $20,000 to be divided among the groups.

Other activities throughout the years are assembling snack packs which are distributed by the Green Valley / Sahuarita Samaritan to migrants on their journeys; field trips to borderland destinations; and special donation drives.
The Environmental Justice team focuses on projects that address Climate Change and its impact on the people of our community. Although we support educational activities, our primary focus is on action we can take now that will anticipate and mitigate the impact of unpredictable and extreme weather in the desert, particularly the combination of a heat emergency with power outages. Our vision is to provide services at the Good Shepherd that will help our community stay cool and healthy during short or extended power outages. We are currently defining technology, teams, supplies and procedures that would make the Good Shepherd a climate emergency shelter in the summer of 2025. If you are interested in learning more and/or being involved, please contact Connie Aglione caglione@gmail.com or Michael Day michaelhday@me.com.