There are many things people love about The Good Shepherd. Its history and traditions. Its mission and ministries. The relationships and friends—the memories we make together, and will continue to make. The work that we share together. We love The Good Shepherd because, here everyone is safe, respected, and accepted. Because this church stands for justice and its voice for equality. Because it supports people both in joy and in pain.
We love The Good Shepherd for many reasons, and we show it in many ways, including financial giving. Through faithful stewardship, we truly receive more than we give. As each of us gives, we reap the benefits of generosity and faith. And, we grow closer to God.
Your annual pledge supports everything we do at The Good Shepherd: our mission and ministries both here in the borderlands and beyond; the upkeep of our church campus; and the salaries of our ministers and staff. Your gifts keep our sanctuary alive with worship, music, and fellowship. We hope you are moved to give cheerfully toward our annual financial campaign. You won’t be disappointed.
Our annual Stewardship Campaign is held each January, when the majority of members and friends make their commitments to the church for the coming year. But you can pledge your support at any time! Please call the church office (520-625-1375) or email us for more information and a pledge card.
Cash and checks are accepted during Sunday worship, or in the church office during the week, Monday-Thursday.
If you prefer online giving, whether for your pledge, a special offering, or activity, The Good Shepherd has multiple ways for you to donate from your computer, cell phone, or other mobile device. All are fast, easy to use, confidential, and completely secure. Make one-time gifts or set up recurring donations ... any time, any place.

​Transfer money from your bank account through the no-fee service, Zelle®.
Donate stocks via Stock Donator​
​M​​​​ake a one-time donation, or schedule repeating donations, via the form below, from your credit card to our bank. COMING SOON!
IMAGINE the impact our congregation can have in our communities, both local and in the greater world, if TOGETHER we generously support them with our time, talents, and treasure. There are many things people love about The Good Shepherd. Its history and traditions. Its mission and ministries. The relationships and friends—the memories we make TOGETHER, and will continue to make. The work that we share TOGETHER. We love The Good Shepherd because, here everyone is safe, respected, and accepted. Because this church stands for Justice and its voice for Equality. Because it supports people both in joy and in pain.
We love The Good Shepherd for many reasons, and we show it in many ways, including financial giving. Through faithful stewardship, we truly receive more than we might give. As each of us gives, we collectively reap the benefits of generosity and faith. And, we grow closer to God.
Your annual pledge supports everything we do at The Good Shepherd: our mission and ministries both here in the borderlands and beyond; the upkeep of our church campus; and the salaries of our ministers and staff. Your gifts keep our sanctuary alive with worship, music, and fellowship. We hope you are moved to give cheerfully toward our annual financial campaign. You won’t be disappointed it what it can achieve!​
Our annual Stewardship Campaign kick-off will be Sunday Jan 12th. Celebration Sunday, when we present our pledging commitments will be the 26th. We will have three 'Moment for Stewardship' congregational speakers who will explain why they found a home at The Good Shepherd, and why they faithfully support our church financially. Additionally, you can pledge your support at any time! Contact the church office (TheGoodShepherdUCCOffice@gmail.com; 520-625-1375) for more information and/or a pledge card.