We welcome everyone to our worship services as we seek to find new ways to put our faith to work—in our lives, our church, our community and the world.

Whether you are passing through, attending with a friend or relative, searching for a church home, or seeking answers to life's questions, we are glad to have you join us. And come as you are, just as you are!

At The Good Shepherd, we welcome Children, Youth and Young Adults to participate in all areas of the church. In fact we believe that the worship service is always better when a diversity of ages participates. We realize that the faith journey is not always easy and at times we all squirm and struggle for lots of different reasons … and it is okay to do that in the company of others who are on the journey with you! Services are live streamed on our Facebook page and remain there for later viewing. Services are also videotaped and can be found here.

In this worship service expect a style that echoes from the ages, yet speaks to the contemporary person.
Our Sanctuary Choir, led by a talented choir director and accompanied by our gifted pianist, creates a deeply spiritual atmosphere augmented by prayers, scripture, congregational singing and sermons that challenge and inspire faith-filled living beyond the doors of the church.
Communion is offered the first Sunday of each month and is open to all.
In this worship service, experience a family atmosphere that opens hearts and minds to celebration.
Expect a musical ensemble that leans toward thoughtful contemporary music, mixed with up-tempo spirituals and quiet reflective music. We use technology, drama, and other mediums in this service that help us worship with all of our senses.
The weekly message is always crafted to create action and deeper thought.Storytelling and music enhance the weekly message which often deals withissues of justice, inclusivity and love. Candles are lit each week to symbolize the prayers that are on our hearts.
Children, youth and families are especially invited to this service—the first part of the worship is geared toward the youngest among us—including a “Word for All Ages” when the children are invited to come to the front of the church and hear a special message for them. Church School with a teacher follows the children’s message. Experienced care givers offer Child Care.
Communion is offered the first Sunday of each month and is open to all.
In our long summer months we combine our worship experiences and enjoy the very best of both. Our Sanctuary Choir trades off weekly with the Contemporary Service musicians and that keeps everyone on their toes.
While our congregation slims down, its spirit seems to grow and build in these months. As always, the children have an important place in worship when they hear the children’s message and participate in Church School; child care is offered.
Communion is offered the first Sunday of the month and is open to all.
Music feeds the soul of The Good Shepherd! Turn around once and you’ll find the Sanctuary Choir led by our talented new director. Each Sunday at the 9:00 am service, singers who were too shy to sing in public, life-long choir participants, and those who didn’t even know they could sing collaborate with our talented pianist to add depth to the service. From choral classics to gospel to contemporary selections, the Sanctuary Choir brings out the best in all of us.
Rehearsal is from 7-8:30 pm on Thursdays. Please drop in!
Turn around again and at 11:15 am you’ll hear our band of local musicians led by a virtuoso who shares his gifts by finding the sacred in secular music—folk, rock, canción, ranchera, blues, and jazz. It’s hard to stay still when the band enhances the service with lively music that brightens your step for the rest of the week.
The Good Shepherd's music program presents exciting and vibrant worship encompassing a variety of musical styles. Through weekly rehearsals, services, and special concerts and events we seek to share God's love through the gift of music.
Taizé is a meditative worship that calls us to prayerful silence. Simple music, flickering candles and a spiritual reflection allow us to quiet ourselves before God and listen to the still small voice of God. All are welcome!
We believe that worship should be energizing and joy-filled. That is why we have numerous special Sunday services throughout the year that help us understand and experience the diversity and strength of different worship styles.
Some recent examples include Día de los Muertos/All Soul’s Sunday, Mariachi Sunday, Bluegrass Sunday, Jazz Sunday, World Communion Sunday, Graduation Sunday, Mission Sunday.
The Good Shepherd has multiple Christmas services, aimed at children, youth and busy families, as well as all members who enjoy the music of the season.
Soon follow Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday (sometimes with a live donkey), Maundy Thursday, and Easter Sunday services. The Good Shepherd is known throughout the Sahuarita Community for its Easter Sunday Drama service that happens at 6:00 a.m. at Sahuarita Lake.