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From Randy


It is hard to believe that March is just around the corner, which means that Lent and the journey to Easter will be arriving soon. Next Wednesday, March 5 at 6:00 pm we will have our Ash Wednesday service in the Sanctuary. It is always quite powerful and an important beginning to this sacred season. Hope you can make it.
With you on the Journey, Randy

This week the National Office of the UCC featured Common Ground on the Border in their UCC Digest. There is a nice article as well as two videos that folks might want to view. You can find it all right here.

Imagine the impact we can have in our congregation and communities if Together we generously support them. Five weeks into our annual stewardship campaign for our church's 2025 operating budget we have received 113 pledges for $325,844, a slight increase from last week's totals. This compares with 132 pledges for $361,135 after the fifth campaign week last year. The Finance Team needs to finalize the operating budget for presentation at the upcoming Annual Meeting March 9, only one week away, and we're about $40,000 short of our target. If you haven't yet decided upon your intended level of support, please give it your serious consideration now!

We will be having another opportunity for people who are interested in learning more about The Good Shepherd and the United Church of Christ. The class will take place on Sunday, March 2 at 10:15 in the library. Come and bring your questions.

Have you ever felt like Jesus has been kidnapped by the Christian Right and discarded by the Secular Left? Rev. Mayer will be leading a conversation around the popular DVD based small group exploration called Saving Jesus, as we seek to find the real Jesus that we can follow in today's world. Some of the voices we will hear from are contributors like Robin Meyers, Walter Brueggemann, John Dominic Crossan, Amy Jill-Levine and Diane Butler Bass,

 Beginning Wednesday, March 5 at 3:00 pm.

Please put March 27 at 12 noon on your calendar for a spring luncheon. Bring a salad or dessert to serve six. Our speaker will be Joy Taylor, a yoga teacher and former nurse practitioner who will talk on Brain Health and Longevity. A sign up sheet can be found on the bulletin board in the Narthex. See you there!

The next sale of Cafe Justo will be on March 9.

Chris Buzan, Patrick Smith, Larry Worster and Eben Henson harmonize on some of your favorite songs from the 60s, 70s, and beyond. Always a fun evening! Benefiting the Sahuarita Food Bank and Community Resource Center. Javarita Coffeehouse, Friday, March 28 at 7:00 pm. Tix $15.00

Mark your calendars for the next estate sale that will take place Thursday, March 20 from 7:30-noon and Friday, March 21 from 7:30-11:00. It’ll be a beautiful sale at 2487 E. Josephine View Drive in Quail Creek. This sale will include beautiful Southwest art and an electric Club Car golf cart in very nice condition. Hope to see you and your friends there

The Estate Sale Group will be hosting its Annual Patio Sale Friday, March 7 from 8-12 and Saturday, March 8 from 8:00-11:00 am. They’ll be setting up and taking donations starting Monday morning, March 3 at 8:00 am. If you’d like to donate items you can drop them off at the side entrance to the patio. We look forward to seeing you at the sale and do bring your friends.

Pastor Randy ( and Pastor ellie ( are available during the week. You may email them set up an appointment for in-person or Zoom meetings.

Office Manager Amy Dillemuth is in the church office Monday through Thursday from 9:30am to 1:30pm.  Phone messages or e-mails are still the best way to communicate with the office (email

Ignore Strange Communications from “Pastors”

A fresh round of strange texts, emails, and calls from “pastors” is circulating. Please be vigilant to avoid scams. Pastors and churches all across the country are experiencing being misrepresented in texts, emails, and calls. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to track down and stop these criminals. Please notify Randy, or the Church, if you receive one of these messages. Please also report them as spam to your email or phone provider. And, by all means, never go out and buy gift cards and send codes by text or over e-mail. Pastors will never ask for funds through emails or texts.

Mental Health Support Group

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