January 27, 28 and 29
Pine Needle Basketry with instructor Charlene Virts. This 2 ½-3-day class is full with 8 people, and 4 on a waiting list. Participants will receive an email with suggested materials to bring from home. Suggested donation $48.

January 30
Spirit Doll Workshop
Spirit Dolls with instructor Deborah Carroll, hosted by Charlene Virts. This class takes place from 1-4 pm in Rooms 4 and 5. A few more spots are available. Suggested donation $12. Materials list will be emailed to participants ahead of time. Email Charlene cvirts@gmail com.
January 31
Watercolor Explorations with Tubac artist Roberta Rogers. Four Friday mornings from 9 am-12 pm. Roberta Rogers is a well-known local artist with a studio in Tubac. Many of you will have admired her work in shows and galleries. But this class is for everyone! So come explore and enjoy together! One plein air session in Tubac is included. Supplies are provided, but bring your own if you have them. Suggested donation $48. ljcorrellmenzel@gmail.com.

February 18
What’s My Story Part Two with instructor Gail Frank, from 9-noon in Rooms 4 and 5. Maximum class size is 10: don’t delay. What do you want your kids, grandkids or the world to know? Do you have a story of survival, or how you made it through loss, grief, life? How about a story of what aging is like or being a caregiver or life with or without grandkids? Ever think of finally starting that memoir you’ve been putting off? Or capturing the story of what sustains you in these times? Time is running out for many of us to begin; let’s begin somewhere. If you’ve already taken Part One of this class, join us again for new inspiration and new prompts in a supportive environment. If you missed Part One, join us this time. No writing experience is required—just an open heart. For questions or to register, contact Gail gailbarbara@mac.com or 503-801-1238.
February 24
The Living Circle facilitated by Janet Diederich, and hosted by LJ Menzel, 9-11:30 am. Class is limited to 10. Explore the line, square and circle in a participatory class that opens up these life “maps” to understand relationships and build community. Participants may take one class or a series of classes. On Monday, February 24, March 17 and April 7, follow-up opportunities to delve deeper and explore other related concepts. Suggested donation $10 per session. Text Janet at 520-999-0676 to sign up.
February 26
Art for Fun facilitated by Suzy Webber. Use acrylics to play and enjoy; one session from 10 am–12 pm. Suggested donation $8. Email srawebber@gmail.com
March 10
From My Heart with facilitator LJ Menzel.Have you written a love story? Be inspired to get started writing it now. Using the writings of Anne Lamott, David Whyte, and others, we will dive into our stories of friendship, romance, and community, and share as we wish. Love changes everything. A follow-up class will be offered. This class is from 9 am-12 pm, and is limited to 8. Suggested donation $12. ljcorrellmenzel@gmail.com
March 14
Desert Weaving with instructor Charlene Virts. In this class we will be weaving a wall hanging (up to 15” wide) using natural materials found in the desert (yucca bloom stalks, dried agave leaves, branches, cactus ribs, grasses. We will also use wool roving to fill in spaces. No weaving experience needed. Warp yarn, wool roving, and some natural materials provided. Start collecting found desert materials for your own special creation. Email cvirts@gmail.com
Storytelling with Gail Frank and LJ Menzel.This class is being planned as a one-day class with a brief lunch break.
Storytelling with Gail Frank and LJ Menzel.This class is being planned as a one-day class with a brief lunch break.
Card Making
Winter Card Making classes are full.
Quilt Making
The Good Shepherd Quilters meet every first and third Thursday morning at 9:15 - noon. We work on quilts for migrant children, from infants to teens. Please join us even if you are not a quilter. There are always quilts that need to be tied, labeled or bundled. Join us for fun and fellowship. Just show up any Thursday. There is no cost for this group
Creative Hands Fellowship
Creative Hands Fellowship meets on Fridays from 1-2:30. Weaving, embroidery, knitting, crochet, stitching. Bring your project, your creative spirit and join the conversation.