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The Girlfriend Legacy Project
What is your big girlfriends story? Dig deeper into how our friends became ours and why we love them so. Get ready to celebrate and perhaps grieve, too. We’ll be with friends. Reflect, research, write and share your girlfriend stories. Start a legacy project.

A five-week session meeting every week on Wednesdays in Spark Studio, on October 23, 30, November 6, 13 and 20, from 1:00-3:00 pm. Bring a notebook and writing utensils. Facilitated by L.J. Menzel. To register, contact L.J. at or call/text at 612-2101910. Limited to ten participants. Cost is $40. Make check payable to The Good Shepherd with Spark Studio class title on memo line.

Staying in Touch
This is an opportunity for we men to write about what happens in our days and how we experience those days with a slant on spirituality. What about the people who cross our lives and our minds? All that is required is spending some time each session week in guided writing.

A four-week session meeting every other Thursday afternoon in Spark Studio, on November 7, 21 and December 5 and 19 from 1:00-2:30 pm. Bring a notebook and writing utensils.  

Facilitated by Gary Reid. To register, contact Gary at or call/text 530-412-2238. Limited to ten men. Cost is $24.00. Make check payable to The Good Shepherd with Spark Studio class title on memo line.

What’s Your Story?
What matters to you? Have a story you’ve been yearning to tell? Maybe a side door story where the outcome was unexpected or life took a turn? A moment in time that stuck with you? Or second-hand happiness experience when another’s happiness made you happy? Put pen to the page and discover your core stories that mean the most to you.

Join this one class session on Wednesday, November 13, 9:00 am-noon in Spark Studio. Capture your stories and enjoy the satisfaction of finally getting started. All you need is a notebook and pen.

Facilitated by Gail Frank. To register, contact her at or call/text at 503-801-1238. Limited to ten participants. Cost is $10. Make check payable to The Good Shepherd with Spark Studio class title on memo line.

Fall Card Making
Beginning October 10, and continuing on November 14 and December 12, card making classes will be held in Spark Studio, from 10:00 - 11:30 am. Cost for each class is $10.00. All materials are furnished.

Facilitated by Kay Novak. To register, contact Kay at o attend one, two or all three classes. Come join the fun and creativity!

Quilt Making 
The Good Shepherd Quilters will meet every first and third Thursday morning at 9:15 - noon beginning October 17, in Spark Studio.

We work on quilts for migrant children, from infants to teens. Please join us even if you are not a quilter. There are always quilts that need to be tied, labeled or bundled. Join us for fun and fellowship. Just show up any Thursday. There is no cost for this group.

Open Writing
Want more writing time in a supportive environment? Bring your project to class in Spark Studio on Wednesdays from 1:00 pm - TBD, on specific dates ONLY: October 16, November 27, December 4, December 11. No charge, shared facilitation.

Song Circle
Love to sing those great songs of our “youth”?The 50s, 60s, 70s were rich with ballads, silly songs, memory makers, camp songs, protest songs. Maybe you play guitar, ukulele, bongos, or tambourine? The first Song Circle meets from 4-5:30 PM on November 21 in Spark Studio. No charge. Watch for further details.

Do you have a ukulele gathering dust? Is it tucked under the bed? Do you know someone who would lend one to you? Want to play? It’s only 4 strings! Maybe you are an experienced player and would love to share with others and start something happy! Our brains would love to learn the ukulele. Contact LJ Menzel at 612-210-1910 or

Creative Hands Fellowship
Join a gathering of knitters, crocheters, stitchers, weavers!  Bring your project, learn from others, create and chat.  This is an open group with shared hosting.  First meet up is on Friday, November 1 at 1:00 pm in Spark Studio. A schedule will be determined based on interests.  Are you interested?  Email

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